For people who are looking to have a custom home built, it can be one of the most exciting experiences a homeowner can have. Whether it is a first-time home, a dream home, a new family home or a retirement home, custom designing and building a new home is a wonderful experience for a homeowner if all is handled properly. Custom homes are special because the home design and all its finishing’s are all part of custom designing and creating a new home. These decisions are made by the home owner with the help of the builder. For people who are looking to have a custom home built, sitting down and planning the design as well as all its fixtures and accessories for the home should be the first step.

Most standard home construction is based on a finished per square foot cost. This is usually true no matter what the size home is. However, for custom home costs, the overall cost of the home is a variable based on choices from the homeowners on many different items. From custom flooring, to higher grade woods, appliances and fixtures, each custom-built home can vary a great deal in the final cost of the home once it is completed.

Where To Start

Most new home builders start with a base price of construction for a particular design for a home. This is known as a home construction basic cost. Most generic construction homes are built with a generic standard of quality that is average for the housing market. When it comes to custom built homes, there are many variables that evolve as the builder and the home buyer work together to create their own personal dream home.


Make a List

New construction home buyers should take some time to write down some of the most important items they are seeking in their new home. Starting with a basic list of needs and wants is a great way to get ready to meet with a builder to create the finished plan for the new custom home. This is when the actual custom home costs are estimated and planned.

Construction Cost Variations

The areas where most of the custom home expenses vary is in flooring, fixtures and appliances. However, there are other areas where a home buyer may want some upgrades or may wish to even lower the standard on a few items so they can put money into something else of importance to them. While a builder may have a fieldstone, fireplace planned in a home, home buyers may decide to have the fireplace be a more generic brick and instead opt to have an upgrade in the countertop material or flooring in the foyer area.

It is important that the new home buyer work directly and extensively with the builder to create custom home costs that fit their budget. Quality contractors know how to best provide home owners with alternatives in flooring, fixtures, and appliances that can fit the buyers budget. Because of this it is advisable to plan on creating the home based on a baseline budget and decide on what amount of financial flexibility there is. From this point, the builder and the buyer can decide on where to properly allot money in the home that best suits the needs and wishes of the new home buyer.

If you have any questions about the custom homes, contact Alair Homes Savannah in order to learn more about the process.