Each New Year tends to bring resolutions, reflection and the hope of all things new. This can certainly encompass the dream of a new home.

Be as thoughtful and intentional thinking through your new home as you are with thinking through your personal and business goals.

Goals for Your New Home

What are the goals for your new home? Better use of space? Easing stress that you currently have – maybe more space for the kids to drop their school or sports equipment, a better configuration in the kitchen for your appliances, a completely different color scheme that might prompt relaxation. Make sure to ask yourself why these elements are important. Sometimes what we think we want isn’t related to why we want it.

Custom Home in Green Bay

Set Priorities

Prioritize wants and needs. Just like your personal goals you sometimes have to prioritize what to focus on first. Many times, having a list like this assists you in capturing what are true needs and what are wants.

Action Steps

Take action! Just like losing weight, achieving a new business goal or whatever your personal resolution might be, in order to make your new home or space a reality, you have to move from the dreaming phase to the action phase. Make a list of questions you have about building. Go behind the style and layout of the house. Think about the process. Think about what elements are important to you – knowing and staying on budget, communication, schedule, oversight – you get the picture. Interview builders to see who you have synergy with and who meshes with your philosophy.

Exterior of a Green Bay Custom Home

Begin with the End in Mind

We believe it is important, to begin with, the end in mind. We love walking clients through each step of the process to help deliver on making their vision come to life. We all need support, coaches, and fans when it comes to making big changes in life and it is no different when building a home. We know, based on experience, that an amazing home and build experience is possible!

Here’s to a prosperous and memorable New Year!


Andy and Nicole