Reasons for building a minimalist home

When we talk about minimalism in renovating or building a home it is more than just defined as removal of clutter or decoration from within the space. You are taking a clean look at the way that materials and ornamentation are used in the space. The materials are stripped back to showcase the quality of materials and the simplicity of pattern, space, and light.

Custom Cabinets

Modern Kitchen Design with Custom Cabinets

The kitchen cabinets here are a flat panel design. With a sleek high shine finish, they reflect the light coming from the clerestory windows on the opposite wall. You can clearly define a modern space reflective of Swedish influence.

Floating Cabinets

Custom Bathroom Design with Modern Floating Cabinets

Floating cabinetry is another way that you can bring in a minimalistic view. Although this space is minimal and modern the traditional use of a slipper tub brings a transitional feel to such a clean space. Bathrooms without over decoration allow for a spa-like feeling. It allows one to calm the senses due to clean lines and the serene feeling.

Wall Paneling

Paneled Walls Enhance this Living Room

Here the paneled walls and the minimalistic fireplace allow for the eye to scan the room and see the lines of the room. You see the architecture and lines stopping only to see the small details. The details of the glass fire screen and gas fire cylinders feel modern. Traditional elements like the wood allow the room to still feel warm and inviting.

Monochromatic Color Scheme

Clean Lines Create a Minimalistic Feel

This space doesn’t just bring clean lines to create a minimal feel. The monochromatic color of the space brings a classic element. The doors are hidden with a concealed door hinge and minimal latch. Even the gray tone of the wood floors adds to the overall minimal simplicity yet chic space.