A home remodel is the first thing that crosses most people’s minds after unforeseen accidents, house issues, or sometimes simply when they feel that they need to give their living space a fresh touch. Be it large or small, remodeling is without a doubt a rewarding experience and now all that’s left to do is decide whether you do it all at once or in phases. What is the best option? Alair Homes help you come to a confident decision.
The most obvious reason for preferring a partial home remodel is the ability to stretch all the expenditures. Due to the harsh economy today, I think you will agree that it is a relief to know that you will not have to shell out the large sum up front. However, this only works for the short term and if your wish is to save a tad more down the line, full remodeling is certainly for you. This is because partial remodeling has recurrent costs such as applying for permits every time you need to renovate. With a well-planned, full-home remodel you won’t have to worry about saving for multiple permits. Also, experts like electricians are usually paid on daily basis and you won’t get value if they completed the job within a matter of hours.
Design Cohesiveness
A home remodel that takes place nonstop from the beginning until the end is a sure bet in terms of design cohesiveness. The fact that everything that counts is planned from the beginning means the flow will be smooth all through. In a nutshell, there is no room for patchwork. Keep in mind that factors such as humidity levels do change from time to time and can affect how your floor stains. This explains why there is bound to be a mismatch in your floors with a partial home remodel.

You will perhaps be surprised to learn that remodeling one room at a time can also achieve design cohesiveness – well, not exactly but to some extent. The secret behind achieving a cohesive design is by remodeling two or more rooms at a go. If all the bedrooms, for example, get remodeled during one phase, they will all end up having the same look instead of a jumble of designs.
A full home remodel means that there will be lots of activities in every corner of the house. This means your entire living space will be inhabitable and you’ll have to move. Renting an apartment in the meantime will definitely come at a cost. You probably think that moving to a friend’s place will save the situation, but there is a chance that they might not be willing to accommodate you for the entire remodeling period.
Whatever you decide, Alair Homes Sanibel is here to help. Contact our professional home building team for additional support and resources.