Originally from the Midwest, Chad's journey in the construction field began in Washington, D.C., in 1996. His dedication to excellence and commitment to delivering exceptional results quickly earned him a reputable name in the industry, and in 2006 he started his own building and remodeling company.
Chad is deeply rooted in the Arlington community, having resided there since 1997. He has been an active member of the Arlington Chamber, the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association (NVBIA), and the Custom Builders Council. In 2017, he joined forces with Alair as Regional Partner for Alair Arlington.
But his most important role so far is as a devoted family man, having been happily married for 24 years, and is a proud father of four children, ages 10, 12, 14, and almost 16. He enjoys spending time with his family, embarking on long drives together, and attending his children's events, from baseball games to cheer competitions and plays. He stays active through golf and tennis.